Friday, July 28, 2006

Catching some zzzzz's

After Sam wanting to be fed every 2 - 3 hours all day and night wednesday, yesterday he was back to more like 4 hours AND last night too! (for part of the night at least). So I know that I actually did get 3 solid hours sleep in a row which was great! I fed him about 5:30 then 9:30 this morning and even Jacob slept in til 1/4 to 8 which hasn't happened for ages! That could have something to do with Jacob not having a sleep yesterday arvo and after screaming for about 45 min now I think he might finally have a sleep today.

Yesterday we went to the shops - I'd been getting a bit stir crazy in the house and Jacob was well over due for a hair cut (and Target has 50% off the already reduced price of winter clothes!). Sam slept through his whole first outing and Jacob cried crocodile tears and held mummy's hand through his hair cut. He looks so spunky and grown up! No photos yet, think we're slacking off a bit there...

So we're certainly doing pretty well at the moment (and I finally got orgainsed to put Sam's birth notice in the paper for tomorrow).

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