Wednesday, July 26, 2006

The good and the bad...

Ya know haw you have some days that are good and some days that are not good? Well today's been one of the not quite so good ones. I think the last 10 days of getting very interrupted sleep has finally caught up with me and i feel like crap! I must admit I do feel better now than i did this morning but having a horrible headache all day really hasn't helped things. Jacob's in care today so mum sent me back to bed and just brought Sam in when he needed feeding. So of course today he's been feeding every 2 1/2 hours unlike the last few days. Apart from now when he's having a big sleep but i've been up waiting for the midwife! Ya just can't win.

On a better note, the midwife just came and we're very pleased to report that Sam put on 80g (since monday) now making him 2640g. She's very happy with how he's doing and how I'm doing and was very encouraging and supportive which is nice too. We don't need to keep him on a 4 hourly feeding limit any more so will just feed him when he wants it so maybe tonight he'll go for 5 hours! Or maybe I'm dreaming...

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