Saturday, July 08, 2006

Michael's mid year school report

Sorry Stu, I know the last thing you want to do on your time off is think of reports, but I thought I should post up the comments from Michael's mid year report:

Michael is a very sensitive student who always exhibits a very genuine and caring attitude towards everyone with whom he comes in contact. Although Michael's resilience is slowly growing, he still allows himself to get upset over minor issues which affects his general well being. Academically Michael is progressing well and his reading, writing and spelling skills are good. He needs however to take more care over his letter formation. Michael shows a good understanding of mathematical concepts taught this year.

From his German teacher:

Michael is one of the most receptive, capable German speakers I have - he is doing very well, especially orally

Michael's student reflection:

My successes: To learn alot
My goals: To be resilient
Things I enjoy: Practising lower case letters
My friends: He has listed a heap!!!!

We are very proud that he has come through this term with such a glowing report. As you can tell he has been a bit out of sorts this term emotionally, but I am hopeful that he will get on top of this. He seems to be 'bouncing' (the term the school uses for resilience) more lately, which is a good sign.

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