Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Dunno what it is but I'm loving it!

For some strange reason, on Saturday Jacob didn't wake up until 9am!!! (This is after consistently waking at 6 or earlier for a few months). Since then he hasn't been up before 7 - 7:30 which is wonderful! The only thing we can think of that may have caused this, is his new Colin poster he has on his wall... He sometimes gets a bit funny about walking out of his room past the poster and says 'Colin hurt'! so he may be thinking the poster may fall down and hit him, or he may be remembering when he got donked on the head with a big beach ball at the concert last week. Or it may be not related at all. If we knew it would be that simple we would have stuck a poster up ages ago! Sam's been pretty good too, didn't need a feed til after 6:30 this morning, then after a little play went back to sleep til 10:30! Makes up for yesterday when he didn't sleep more than 50 minutes at a time... Ahh well can't really complain when we have such good nights!

1 comment:

nannakaren said...

Sounds good .... long may it continue, eh/?!