Monday, October 23, 2006

Gift Ideas for the S&D Kitto kids

I have been asked what things our kids might like for Christmas, and I would like that our kids DON'T get lots of new toys (I spent ages clearing out their toys the other day and they really do have a lot of stuff!). So here are some suggestions of non-toy or adding to toys that we already have. Hope it helps. Would be glad of some suggestions for Jacob and Michael (Sam is taken care of :)


Wooden train set from Ikea

A kids cook book (Calvin LOVES to cook)

A new hat for outdoor play – a Wide Hat

Bob the builderish, Fireman, Knight, Mechanic or other dress ups

Buzz, Thomas or Wiggles Jocks (the more he likes the character the cleaner he keeps them!)

Calvin has been asking for some time for a Buzz poster for his wall

Largish plastic dinosaurs (actually, any dinosaurs really)


Basics Lego (blocks and roof pieces etc)

A new Wide Hat

Barbie Accessories (dresses & stuff)

Games. (eg board games, cards, things she can play with friends)

Generic (stuff for either)


Big Socks and Jocks (they always seem to need more!)

Colin Buchanan “Jesus Rocks the World” DVD

Any good kids DVDs that are around

Beanie Kid bears (both the kids are into them)

If I think of anything else I'll add it. Hope this helps.


nannakaren said...

Fantastic .... I'll keep that in mind! Excellent idea!

Cherie said...

apart from Colin, are there any DVD's that the kids are into? They are obviously an easy shopping choice for me, as really I dont want to be in shops from here on in to Christmas, just under 15 years in retail has really killed all shopping desires I may have ever harboured!