Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Granny & Grampa

Hi All! Back from our visit, and just letting you know Granny and Grampa have both had falls this week ... down the street Monday with one of the Carers, Grampa fell crossing the road, and hurt his left shoulder again. Then yesterday afternoon he went off with his walker before tea (alone!!), and fell, up past the Post Office! The son of one of the staff members saw him and rang ambulance and the Home, and he had stitches in his left arm and left shin/knee .... and REALLY hurt his shoulder! We arrived at the Home about 10 past 6 to find Mum sitting there quite unfazed ... told us Grampa was in Hospital as he'd had a fall! Jo (Boss lady - lovely!) was about to go and get him, so while we waited Dad read Grampa's diary a saw, for Monday, "I fell over ...." ... so we were a bit confused! When he came in and saw us there he saluted us, as he does, and just laughed .... I hadn't heard him laugh so much for ages!! His shoulder was very sore, but he was saying he'd really done his dash this time - wouldn't be allowed to go ANYWHERE, would have to toe the line, etc etc .... poor old darling! He looked very very old, trying to get up out of his chair, and we thought he'd have a pretty awful night!

We spent the night at Maria and Andrew's, and enjoyed a chat and a catch up! They said if ever any of you go up and want a bed, just yell - they know how good it is for Mum and Dad to have visitors!! This morning Dad had a ball helping Andrew with some sheep work - you can take the boy out of the farm but you can't take the farm out of the boy!! We went in to the house too, and collected the piano stool and a chair, and the hall table ......and 4 more boxes of "stuff"!!!! Oh dear! ..... and Dad managed to fit it all in the car!! Back to C Bk after lunch, and Dad was good as gold!! Didn't seem stiff or any sorer than usual, and only mentioned his shoulder once ... amazing! ....but .. Mum somehow slipped off the edge of the bed, and has a nasty graze on her arm!! (Not worrying her at all!) We took them to Gdstne for Mum's dental appt at 3, on our way home, and as we left Jo said "please try and keep them both upright!!"
We chuckled!

Maria picked them up after appt and took them back to the farm for tea, then back to the Home tonight .... would have been good for Mum and Dad .... I bet they've all been hearing about his ambulance ride!! They told us several times how much they loved seeing the young ones, so please all know that the effort is well and truly worth it!! ... and remember they're not gonna be around for ever!!
Hope you're all doing well, love you all, Mum


nannakaren said...

Sounds wonderful Debbie! I agree wholeheartedly about celebrating with the people rather than just after they've gone! What sort of things are you after?? ... we've got photos .....! .. and millions of slides!
Not to mention the diaries .... oh my!
Let us know what you've got in mind and we'll see what we can do to help!

Heth said...

Does indeed sound a great idea :)