Thursday, November 09, 2006

furniture and Christmas

Hi all! Well at last our furniture from Granny and Grampa's is going to Victor! The Removalist rang and said the truck's on the way to Tennant Creek, and will be back at Gladstone (empty!) on Saturday morning, to collect the sideboard, piano, chest of drawers, and sundry chairs! Andrew's able to go and help the fellow load the piano, so that's great - saves us a trip over there! Then this morning we found out the sideboard is still at John's!! Fortunately he can take it to Andrew's tomorrow, so it will all be collected together ... well ... in two stops instead of 3! The piano's still at the house with the tenant, but the rest is out in Andrew's shed ... all complicated and I'll be VERY glad when we're finally there with all our bits and pieces, from all over! The removalist will store the Gladstone bits for us .... wonder what 2 months storage will cost us?! Guess we'll find out!

There's going to be a "Kitto Christmas" at Maria and Andrew's on Boxing Day, which will be excellent! Maria's asked me to find out who of our lot is likely to be there ..... so please let me know! We plan to go there from Adelaide Tuesday morning, and come home Wednesday to finish packing! It'll be good to catch up with the cousins etc .... but we've got gifts for them all so you don't need to worry about that! Will let you know what the food arrangements are nearer the time!
Take care! Love you all! Mum


Heth said...

The 4 Brocklehursts are planning on being there :)

Heth said...

does someone wanna delete this crap spam?!

Stu said...

It is frustrating when you think that someone else has added a real comment, and it is just this kind of thing instead. Cherie, would you like to delete it for us, or is it okay if we turn the code word thingy back on?