Sunday, November 05, 2006

Hilltop Hoods

A little belated, but still better late than never. Here is a picture of Michael waiting in the queue to get into The Gov to see the 'hoods. I think that they actually spent longer in the queue than they did in the venue!
All up they stayed for 5 songs, and Michael had trouble hearing them rap due to the fact that he was wearing ear plugs, and really could only hear the bass apparently. They were home by around 10.30pm, but still its an experience that not many 8 year olds can have!
I'll be at The Gov on November 26 to see Jon live, but Michael will be staying at Granmoo and Opas that night! Posted by Picasa

1 comment:

Heth said...

Glad he had a good time! And hope dad did too ;)