Sunday, November 26, 2006

my medalion

when I got my medalion Amanda Grahams was there.she is a book illustrator. It was for the premiers reading challenge. Last year I got a certificate. Posted by Picasa


nannakaren said...

Wow ... that's fantastic, Michael! Well done! I'm SO glad you like reading! And it's so good seeing Blogs from you, too! I like knowing what you're up to! I didn't see Mr Kangaroo this morning ... maybe the fireworks last night made him hide! Love Gramma XXX

Heth said...

That is very cool... I reckon there's a photo of your dad looking EXACTLY the same taken 20something years ago!

Cherie said...

There's also a photo of his dad looking exactly like that when he scooped all of the awards for his apprenticeship. My men are most smart :)