Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Ummm... well... actually....

Stuart is home again now today, but not to look after me! The poor guy has a sore stomach and is keen for some rest! Oh my goodness!!!

Ok, let's review: Natalie has been sick, Calvin has been sick, Heth has been sick (hope your feeling better now), I'm recovering from being sick, Al is also recovering and now Stuart is sick (wasn't Dad K ill in there somewhere too? And I'm sure I remember Sam not being 100% either). So it really is time for a bit of health I think. Or maybe a nice lie down. ;P


Heth said...

That's a bugger! Hope you can ALL have a peaceful night and recover VERY quickly!

Heth had a bit of a sore throat, then Sam got a cold (didn't last long), then Jacob got it (very briefly), then Al got it (and still has), then Heth got it again late last week... And there was Al yesterday - but I'm very pleased to report he's feeling heeeeeeps better today, back to normal just a bit phlegmy (I'm fine but phlegmy too)

Think that's enough now!

nannakaren said...

yup .... poor Stu! I'm glad you're feeling a bit better, Debbie, and glad the kids are asleep .... hope they stay that way for several more hours! You've sure had more than your fair share in the past week or so, haven't you??! Dad did have a wog, but only a cold-y one, thank heavens! He's still coughing, grotty nose etc, but improving! I continue to pray your days (and your health!)will improve, very soon! Love Mum