Sunday, May 28, 2006

Happy birthday to Michael and Debbie!!!!

Ok so I am early!!! Today of course, was party day for Michael, and what a day it was!!! It began with Michael almost gouging his eye out - he thought that he could run down the passage carrying some textas, and of course fell, and then hit the top of his eyelid with one of the textas. I dont really think the impact of what he did hit me until a few minutes later.. it was a very close call!

We then went and celebrated his birthday party at maccas, with 15 other very noisy kids! Everyone had fun, although I think Jacob was more than overwhelmed by it all - sorry little guy - but we really appreciated you coming!!! Michael was thoroughly spoilt rotten, and had a fantastic time. I could post a whole heap of images, but I figured that this image summed it all up!

We then had a couple of friends over from my work for a BBQ dinner, so it really made for a big day for everyone.

Debbie I hope that you have a fantastic day tomorrow and that you get spoilt and feel like a princess!

I am now going to unwind and fall asleep reading!!!!
Take care,
Cherie Posted by Picasa

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