Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Michael is sick :( and other medical nightmares

Welcome to being 8 Michael!

Whilst I was at work, I got a call from OSHC saying that Michael was not looking too wel and was complaining of a headache at 4pm. Whilst I was on the phone to the a/d he threw up - not a good thing! I quickly jumped on the phone to Rob, and we headed to OSHC to pick him up.. which of course when you are battling with peak hour traffic and driving from one end of town to the other, is never a fast thing... and dont those trucks just know when is the right time to cut you off and do 10kms/h!!!! Grrrrr

We got to OSHC and he had been throwing up some more, and then proceeded to do more as we were trying to get him out of there! Eventually we got him home and gave him some panadol for his head, and after more throwing up, he has settled to sleep and has been sound for about an hour now. I was disappointed to hear from him that he had been at the office earlier in the day at school and they had neglected to phone me and let me know he was feeling unwell....more grrrr.

Anyway I dare say I will be home with him tomorrow, poor kid. (I might take the opportunity to see if I can get an appointment with my dr this century so I can get a shopping list of referrals to specialists for all of my dramas that you really dont want to know about!!)

On another note my grandma just had surgery to correct a droopy eyelid last week (quite a long bout of surgery too), which was a bit of a rough ordeal for her (she is 91), she had the stitches out today, only to find out that the op had failed and that she will have to endure it over again tomorrow... this alone would be a hard thing for her to put up with, but top it off with the fact that it has been 1 year since my grandfather died... It really hasnt been a good day...

1 comment:

nannakaren said...

Hope you're feeling much better now Michael .... had a good sleep today, adn caught up with yourself, I reckon!
Hope your Grandma makes better progress this time, too, Cherie ... certainly a stressful time!