Sunday, May 21, 2006

I think I remember this place ...

Hi Honeys! It's kinda nice to be home, even briefly! We had a good trip home and got here 11pm last night .... and we'll leave again about 3 this afternoon to go back to Adelaide for dad's meeting tomorrow! Then we'll go to Gladstone, and help Granny and Grampa move to Crystal Brook for their 4 week "trial period". I think it's REALLY good that Elwyn will be there too! I found out this morning that we're coming home Tues evening! So I'll have ALL DAY wednesday home .... dare say I'll find something to do! Beter go n get some lunch, n bring the washing in, finish re packing etc ...... hope you're all good, or at least as good as you can be!
Love you all! Nanna/Mum

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