Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Still Waitng...

Al still hasn't heard about the job yet...

Peter Gunn (principal at PWC who's known Al for ages and thinks he's wonderful!) rang this morning when Al was in the shower and said he was in meetings all day but would ring him again when he got a chance. Easy enough for him to be busy and not sitting around all day waiting for the phone to ring! Trying not to think about it is easier said than done... But we'll keep you informed!

Maybe it's a good thing that Jacob's been grumpy AS today - could have something to do with the fact that he was awake at 6am and wanted to play and unfortunately only slept for 1 hour this arvo (as opposed to the 3 hours in care yesterday!). He's currently going through the bin in the lounge (charming child) but is relatively happy so who am i to complain!

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