Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Going well

As some of you have heard things are going well with Sam and Heth. Both are feeding and sleeping well and we pray this continues. Yesterday Sam gave Jacob 'Scrambler' from Bob the Builder which he has enjoyed playing with and it seems like Heth enjoyed a little play herself!

1 comment:

Heth said...

Hi all ... Nanna here again! Today's news isn't quite so positive, in that dear little Sam has lost a bit more weight - ie more than 10% of his birth weight, so they're finger-feeding him, to top him up after he goes to sleep in a feed! ... as they did with Jacob .... I think Heth's a bit disappointed, but I'm sure he'll pick up soon! There was also some slight concern that his temp was a bit lower than ideal, so he was being wrapped in lovely warm blankets, and cuddled lots ... very hard to take, of course!
Nanna and Jacob visited a while this morning, then left Al with Heth adn Sam, and J and I did some shopping (Target on the first day of the toy sale .... do I need my head read??!), adn collected his jumper left at Care yesterday, then had lunch adn now he's beautifully asleep in his bed, adn Nanna's having a cuppa and checking the Blogs etc ... I ain't as young as I used to be! But we're all good! Luv Mum