Friday, July 21, 2006

We saw snow!

We are back from Victoria safe and sound, and rather tired! We only got back a couple of hours ago. Quick summary:
*We went to the aquarium
*We had a look around at my childhood places - like where I lived, special spots etc.
*We went to Lake mountain which had snow!!!
*We slipped over alot in the snow
*Rob slipped over and landed a bit hard than he should have on his knee, he now cant walk! What is a holiday without an injury!

I am now off to download more pictures and get some decent sleep! Oh and wash some MORE clothes! Posted by Picasa

1 comment:

Heth said...

wow .... looks like you all had fun .... apart from your knee Rob! Washing after hols is a bit like washing with a baby in the house, isn't it?? ... never ending!! But both worth while! Hope you all have a chance to catch up/recover before school n work start on Monday .... love you all! Mum
ps ... love the photo Michael!!