Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Happy Birthday Debbie!! .. and happy birthday Michael!

Well I'm not sure what happened there .... but anyway, I hope you DO have a really good day today, Debbie, with some special treats!! And Michael I hope you have a terrific day too!
It's blowing a real gale here, and raining heaps ... and i'm SO pleased we've opted to leave the tent home for this holiday! A little ensuite cabin will be cosy and comfortable ... and dry! We're finishing packing, and hope to leave mid morning ... but we all know how plans can change!
Dad just spoke to Granny and she said she had a bit of a restless night, but "they're looking after me well here!" .... so I guess we can't really ask more than that, can we?! I think we'll probably go up tomorrow and visit her.
Take care, all of you, and we'll keep you posted! Love Mum

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