Thursday, May 10, 2007

What a lovely day!

Hi Honeys! Each time we've moved, folk from the old place have said they'll visit us at the new place .... but it hasn't happened! So when the Loxton girls said they'd come and visit me, I didn't get too hopeful! But then, a couple of months ago, Chris rang and we chose a couple of dates .... and today 8 of the Loxton Quilters came down and we had such a lovely day together! It was SO nice to see them all again! We had morning tea here, then yummy lunch at a coffee shop .... next to one of the quilt shops! Some $$ later we went to the other 2 fabric/quilt shops, and they dropped me off here about 3, and headed home - via the quilt shop at Karoonda! As 2 of them are over 80, I reckon that was terrific of them - and I suspect they enjoyed it as much as I did!
Tomorrow, just for something completely different (?) I'm going to the Sit and Sew day at the Quilt Basket (shop) .... and that will be nice too! Dad's going to morning tea with our local MP!
Love you all!

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