Thursday, May 03, 2007

well I'll try!

Hi All! Sorry Stu - I hear ya, but sometimes life just gets in the way of doing what we want to! But I'm here now! It was excellent to catch up with all of you over the hols, and we enjoyed the visits etc. Yesterday we left here at 7am, and got home at midnight, having visited Granny with Heth and the boys! Jacob and Sam were both very good (in spite of 6 hours in the car!) and Granny LOVED seeing us all again! We had lovely lunch with her, and after about 4 hours there the boys were getting a bit stir crazy and she was sleepy, so we went over to the farm. Sam loved the 3 little lambs in the yard, and would have enjoyed feeding them, but Jacob wasn't so keen! It was a beaut visit tho, and was good for Dad and Andrew to have some time together too! A has an interview this afternoon for rural Counsellor position - prayer required!
We've begun to have visitors, not just having the folk who've had us round! First time Mon evening went well, altho we ate a bit later than planned as John was very interested in how Dad makes his pictures .... maybe he'll eventually find/make time to start another!
Next Thurs 7 Loxton Quilters are coming down to visit, and I'm really looking forward to that! Will be beaut to catch up again - and of course we'll visit the q shops too!
Hope you're all doing OK ... we're both well, and busy! Love Mum

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