Monday, January 01, 2007

Happy New Year!

Hi All! Hope you all enjoyed your NY Eve celebrations, and that you all have a healthy 2007, with wisdom to meet each new challenge!
Dad's packing the study, and keeps coming out with all sorts of "treasures" .... latest was the Waikerie "petition" from '98 .... my goodness! He's shredded lots of stuff! I've washed most of the kitchen cupboards, except for the two shelves that have the things we're still using, and I washed our woollen underlay this morning - and then it rained for the next 3 hours! But it's hanging out now, and the sun's out so it won't take long to dry! We chuckle at the weather forecast - Thurs is sposed to be 40* and thundery here, and 28* in Victor! Kinda funny really!
I have a feeling I shouldn't be sitting here .... there are probably lots of things I should be doing to make sure we really ARE ready when the truck comes early Thursday morning! By the way ....
Dad is fine! He went for his usual 10k run this morning! The little gash on his head is healing nicely, and the patches on his chest (that were shaved for the ECG monitors) are itching!! But he's OK! ..... which is kinda good! Love you all! Mum

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