Wednesday, January 24, 2007

What a lovely little man...

Tuesday night after tea Jacob spent quite a while putting things from the shelf in the dining room into the bag to take to NannaPapa's house... I'm talking everything from the 4 shelves he can reach (all the candles and wooden things and footballs and other bits n pieces). I explained that we weren't going there for a while but he had to do it now and was having such a lovely time. He then got the coloured fabric out of a plastic bag and was trying to wrap it around himself - 'dress up like Natalie'. Very cute!
Last night he even went to sleep without one of us sitting on the couch! He was very tired, and we weren't quite so successful tonight (a bit unfortunate, cos he screamed the house down and very much disturbed his very tired little brother who wanted to sleep!) but we got there in the end. Hooray!

PS - Debbie we miss you! Hope blogger can sort itself out so you can blog here again :)

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