Monday, January 01, 2007

Happy New year!

Here is a picture of Michael and his prized glow accessories!
We just had a nice quiet night at home with my parents, and enjoyed watching the fireworks at midnight.

We actually had an extra special treat, as just after midnight whilst all of the fireworks were in full swing, a falling star went right over us, and yes it definately was one, and not a stray firework.

Sometimes the driveway makes it all worthwhile! ;)

I hope everyone had a safe and happy new year :) Posted by Picasa

1 comment:

nannakaren said...

Wow Michael! You look like an undersea diver!! Bet you enjoyed the fireworks, adn especially the falling star .... cool! I saw Mr Kangaroo yesterday morning and this morning when I walked .... hadn't seen him for ages before that! Hope you're enjoying hols, or OSCH or whatever you're doing!