Friday, January 12, 2007

Hello Grunt (and everyone else) (from Debbie)

(This is Debbie's post, by the way. Blogger is being stupid.) Hi everyone. Marbrook Rob and Cherie ('Congratulations in Lebanese). The car looks great. Really love the logo photo!
Just thought I'd better write here and let you know that I am reading and looking at the blogs, but for some reason it will not let me leave comments. Annoying!

Calvin and I did make it safely back yesterday, but I'm quite happy to not have to get in the car for a couple of days. Glad we went down. I think it was nice for Daniel to have something a bit different happen for his birthday. It has certainly made me very excited about Calvin's birthday (though we are still working out what we will do). I asked Calvin yesterday who he would like to celebrate his birthday with and (after I explained that it couldn't be Daniel) he told me very definitely that he wanted Tony, dressed as a pirate! Haven't broken the news to Tony yet, but we'll see what we can work out ;)


Heth said...

LOL! I look forward to seeing those photos! Very glad the trip went well, and hope next week's trip is a good one too - we look forward to seeing you! XOX

Cherie said...

Ohh wonder if the fact that you cant comment is due to the new blogger thing? I noticed your name is written up as a contributer? I dunno, Blogger is trying to confuse us all.. I hate the secure and non-secure message that pops up each time you leave a comment now...

Man I sound old hating change! LOL

Thanks for the post, and dont the kids look cute :)

Do you want us to send up Calvins pressie/leave it a Victor for you to collect or any other suggestion?

Stu said...

Probably easiest to leave it in Victor. (If we aren't going to be seeing you while we're down, that is.)