Monday, January 22, 2007

Morning All!

Thought I should just report in, on yesterday .... what a HUGE day! Dad was a tad anxious, but didn't need to be ... his old teacher Pip (now Cong Sec) gave him a 12 out of 10 for the First Sermon - which of course now puts the pressure on to keep that high standard! But it WAS a good service, and good chats afterwards! Then we went to lunch again, this time with about 20, including 5 Ministers ... 4 retired, some visiting! Back to church for a 50th wedding anniversary "open house" for Alan and Margie, and that was just lovely! Margie is Pip's sister, so he was MC, and there were some funny reminiscences, then Alan and Margie sang a song ... they've both been involved in Choral society things for years, and Alan has an excellent voice! It was a good way for us to get to know a bit more about them! We came home for about half an hour then went to a Church Together celebration in the big marquee. We were both stunned to be greeted warmly (very warmly - hugs n all!) by Rob and Maureen ... caught us a bit off guard! The service was very lively, energetic and pente, and afterwards there was just about a queue of people wanting to talk to us ... Rob Wyatt who knew me years ago and whose daughter is an old friend; a dear old lady who asked were we at Pt B, did Dad used to have hair, and did he remember marrying her and Ernest ... and we did! And she was quite overcome to meet us again, very chatty and really needed a cup of tea!! (Ernest died 5 years ago) ... and then there was Yvonne, who used to own an excellent quilt shop out at Highbury, moved here 6 months ago, and remembered us .... wow! We came home about 9, quite stunned ... and exhausted!
I'm anticipating all Sundays won't be quite like that! We're starting to get dates in the diaries ... so we really know we're here, and this is where we belong ... and it's good!
We're going to see Aunty Gwen this morning - and get BBQ cover, and sand! Love Mum
PS Hope things looking up for all of you .... especially Debbie and Sam!

1 comment:

Heth said...

Glad it was a good day even tho so busy - good to know it won't be like that every week! Sam's much better thank you, back to his usual 'little spews' which is much nicer than the copious volumes we had friday and saturday!