Saturday, January 27, 2007


After speaking to some people at church yesterday who had some issues with their child and going to sleep, we thought we'd give it ago - that is to re-train Jacob. As most of you know we have been sitting in with Jacob when we first put him to bed until he is asleep and we can 'escape' and when we wakes at night.

Last night after sitting with him for a while I explained that he was a big boy now and didn't need mum or dad to stay with him until he went to sleep (i.e. sit on couch). I suggested that I put on the radio and he listen to that. He agreed so on went the radio and out of the room I went....Jacob fell asleep.

He woke once during the night so I did the same thing - told him he was a big boy put on the radio gave him a kiss and a goodnight. All was well and he slept until 8am Yeh!!!

TONIGHT: Well once yoiu change a habit (if it's a good one) then stick with it. So we did the same thing we had to close the door twice and we had tears but he got the message and the door stayed open, radio on, Jacob went to sleep without Dad.

The down side was that with Jacob's tears and screams poor same couldn't get to sleep so he was very confused but as it didn't last long (20-30 min), Sam soon went to sleep also. Short pain for long term gain - we hope

Hopefully tonight will be a good night.

UPDATE" Yep it was, Jacob slept right through until 6.30am! Yeh but I didn't slep that well.


Cherie said...

Horray, all success is good success!

I read stuff like this and cant get over how lucky we were with Michael, just put him to bed and that was it. If he cried he didnt have an audience, so he just went to sleep, it was magic :)

You guys look like you are doing well.

Heth said...

Very pleased to report he's slept through 2 nights in a row! Was a pity sam decided last night to wake at 1:30 and 6:30... *yawn*