Wednesday, January 10, 2007

What we've been doing while Mummy is away

Natalie: Hayden came over to visit me. We played princesses and doctors and kings. We had fun with the doctors toys. Then we did Mr Potato Head. That's all there is. Bye.
Stuart: Debbie left just after 7am this morning to go down to Adelaide to stay with a friend. (The friend moved down just before Christmas, and her husband has just gone on a mission trip to the Philippines, and after being broken into on the weekend, she isn't coping too well.) Debbie took Calvin, to help celebrate Bradley's birthday. The plan is that she will stay overnight and return by lunchtime tomorrow.


Heth said...

Doctors and Princesses and Kings sounds like fun! Trust the travel has been safe and not too hot... look forward to seeing you all next week!

nannakaren said...

It does sound like you've been having fun! Pity Debbie's trip is so short ... but good she can have a bit of time with Sharina! Enjoy your time "batching"!
By the way .... it took Dad 3 hours to get the BBQ together, and it's ready to go! Now he's hanging our Rogues' Gallery! ... think i need to go hold a photo or hammer or something!

Cherie said...

I wondered why Debbie hadnt been posting.

All the best to her friend, that wouldnt be a great position to be in :(